What Can Gerbils Chew On?

Gerbils will chew on anything – even though they will sometimes get their hands on things (well, their teeth on things) that are not on the ‘safe’ list: and many a curtain will attest to that… Gerbils have the habit of clearing things out of the way so that they have a quick safe route … Read more

Gerbil Care 101 – Before You Buy…

Gerbils are pretty easy pets to look after, but as they are different to other common small animals, there are a few extra things you need to know before owning them. I’ll keep it simple – but you can look into these in more detail as you read up on your new (or possibly new) … Read more

What Do Baby Gerbils Eat?

anjaha / Pixabay

Baby gerbils are adorable – totally. However, they aren’t babies for long – so the things that baby gerbils eat question is quite a simple one – and depends on how old they are: From birth to about 2 weeks of age Baby gerbils only eat mom’s milk – barely leaving the nest. From 2 … Read more

Can Gerbils Eat Grapes?

Yes is the short answer – gerbils can eat red, green, yellow, black or white grapes as often as any other fresh fruit or vegetable – they are totally safe for gerbils in gerbil-sized doses. Grapes are a common seasonal fruit in our homes and so are more likely to be offered as a treat … Read more