Ginger Gerbils: How Many Ginger Gerbil Colors Are There?

Ginger Gerbil

Well, technically (genetically) there are 51 different standard* combinations of genes that will create a gerbil that is ginger on the outside! Wow – that really was more than we thought ourselves! So how come so many? Well if you do the FULL** genetic combinations there will be 8 times that – but of course, … Read more

Mongolian Gerbils Vs Fancy Rats As Pets

Cute Rat Eating a Treat

Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) and fancy rats (Rattus norvegicus) are two of the most common small animals people choose as a first pet – but there are quite big differences between them with regards to how they live and what they love. This quick comparison guide should help you understand these differences and give you … Read more